My journey as an activist goes all the way back to my family roots first. Both my parents were in a union.
I grew up around the UAW, UFW, and the ILGWU -AFL-CIO and learned to organize at a very young age.
As the 80s rolled around, and I found my place in society as a hip hop graffiti artist ,I joined my first art crew and helped develop it into a well organized team.
But it was in the beginning of the 90’s our crew along with several other crews helped form The Earth Crew under the Direction of Helen Samuels.
This was the genesis of a whole new life of service using art as a tool for revolution and healing. Pictured here is the Earth Crew with UFW leader Cesar Chavez at the Wrights Land in Topanga in 1990.
I found myself in Chiapas in 1994 and that began an adventure to be told one day soon. Here I am in the middle of many gathered on Nov. 20th celebrating the Day of Mexican Revolutionary Heroes In the town of San Cristóbal de las Casas. The rest is HISTORY.
The SHU Redesign Mural/Visual Arts class is designed to allow students to develop their artistic skills through multiple visual arts media, including drawing, painting, model-making, and sculpting. Additionally, students will participate in creating a safe, calming space within camp through reimagining the SHU space and translating this into visual representations.
In general, the instructors’ primary focus will be to increase students’ skills including: 1) Encouraging student learning about art and art history; 2) Expanding self-expression through visual arts through project learning; 3) and engaging students in Probation-led efforts to create rehabilitative space.